Week 9 – Zoom H2N and Getting a Teamate

In week 9 workshop were given a brief of Project Brief 4, and knowing it was a group project we were assign randomly into a team based on the number we pull out of the hat. When I approached the hat, I jokingly guessed I was going to pull the number 3, and just coincidentally by accident, I pulled the number 3 out of the hat. My other teammate, Tessa also pulled the number 3. Unfortunately our last member was not in attendance  at the time, so Ben was our last member.  Luckily for me and Tessa, we have worked together before during an exercise, so we sort of knew how to work with each other. During our planning stages for our brief, we went with an idea to produce a fake radio broadcast, we only brainstormed for a bit of ideas. After getting to know our new teammates, we were sent out on a recording exercise to record an interview, both a formal and informal interview to test out the Zoom H2N microphones we were going to use. This is how it went.

It was nice to see how different the recordings were inside and outside, in different locations etc. We learnt the microphone was pretty power and can pick up almost anything, this definitely tells us, we need a quiet place to record during our project brief 4, for the thing we were going for. The microphone was in it self pretty simple and easy to use, although the navigation of the menu gets blocked by the pop filter, when using it.

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