Initiative #5 – A Silent Voice (Koe no Katachi)

So this past week a anime movie I was highly anticipating finally came out to Australian cinemas. That movie was A Silent Voice. Now if you’re familiar with anime movies, you may also heard of Your Name (Kimi no na wa) that came out last year and broke records for Japan cinema. Well A Silent Voice also came out around the same time, however it was overshadowed by Your Name. In my opinion, although Your Name has the story to appeal to a wider audience, I thought overall A Silent Voice was a much better film. The story had a much deeper meaning, with the themes of bullying and growing up, forgiving one another while also forgiving yourself.

For a quick summary of the film, it about a Deaf girl who was bullied by a boy back in elementary school, the boy does eventually get what was coming to him, and everyone around him started bullying him. Fast forward a few years later they meet again, and the boy is trying to earn her forgiveness and make up for lost times. It’s a really cute and beautiful story. The animation is by god amazing, probably one of, if not the best animated film I have seen.

Now I have talked to some of my other friends who have also watched it, they said it was really good as well. Some of my friends include myself were also manga readers, so going into the film, we already kind of knew what was going to happen, and even though they did cut some part out from the manga, this movie was still enjoyable to watch. It’s not perfect by any means, in fact nothing is, but its still one of my favourite stories and watching it adapted into a fully animated feature, it was just amazing to watch.

I highly recommend if you have a chance, go watch this film, especially if you liked Your Name. It was a shame this film came out around the same time, and was really overshadowed by the Your Name hype, which in my opinion, I guess you could say was a bit overrated, but still entertaining none the less. I give it a 5/5 as a fanboy of the manga and finally seeing the beauty on screen, but really I think 4.5/5 should be good enough.

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