Week 2 Workshop – Presenting Work and Feedback

Were you nervous about presenting your work?

I was quite nervous presenting my work, as I didn’t really know what kind of reaction I would get from the people around me. It didn’t help that I was also nervous, because I wasn’t even sure if I did the work correctly.

What kind of feedback did you get?

I got some positive feedback, on how I did describe my character. But also some negative feedback as I need to probably show a bit more, to properly convey on what I was doing etc.

Was the feedback useful?

The feedback was really useful. I learnt a lot on what I can improve, but I also learn how from the peers around and take criticism at heart.

What is most difficult about the process and why?

The most difficult of giving feedback using the debono thinking hats were when I was on the green hat. Especially when a product was pretty good, sometimes its hard to give an alternative.

How might you get better at this hat system over time?

The only way I see about getting better with the hat system over time, is use it more. Because the more we use it, the better understanding we have with it. This just apply in class, we can use it in our daily lives. But it does force us to be critical.

What might be a good way to separate the moments of receiving feedback and actually evaluating it and doing something with it?

Best way to separate the moments, is take criticism to heart and listen to the negatives. Use the negatives to improve yourself. Same goes for positive feedback. Don’t be satisfied with your positive, push your strong aspect even further and improve upon it.

Is it worth reflecting on the feedback both close to the experience and bit further on?

It definitely worth reflecting on feedback, because feedback is what helps us grow and improve.

Self Portrait and Week One

It’s been an interesting week one. Finally getting into the course I want after 5 years, but I had some experience from a previous university. For a first task, this was sort of a hassle, because even though the workload was small, it was the fact getting so much different files was the hard part. What I was trying to achieve with my Self Portrait was to introduce myself, while also testing the equipment I personally have available. I got some good information, such as what Microphone and Camera to use for any future production. I think I was somewhat successful in communicating who I am, I think I was able to put out enough information, with the limited resources I had. If anything for future products, I’ll like to plan and produce any form of work with a high quality standard.

I can’t make too much complaint on what we had to do for our self portrait, sure it was a hassle, but I sort of knew what I signed up for. And it took me 5 years to get into this course, I’m not about to complain. I’m just happy to be doing Media. Week one was quite enjoyable and a new experience. Meeting new people, and having more confidence in communicating with each other.

6 Photos of My Life

Here are 6 photos that describe the life I live.

I’m a youtuber. The content on my channel usually involves me talking about and reviewing anime. I like doing, and I find it fun and rewarding every time I post a new video. Because I am what some call an Otaku, some may call me a weeb, I collecting things from the franchises I like. So I like building and decorating, what I call an Idol Shrine with figures, CDs and cards etc. I’m really happy with it.


When I’m not studying at home, or at uni, I work at Queen’s Victoria Market, helping the Family Leather Jacket Business. And after a long day at either work on uni, I come home to Kew. I never really noticed how nice and peaceful this place looked at night.


Apart from my obvious hobbies. I like to game a lot, especially when it comes to competitive games. I use to play Dota 2 and many fighting games competitively. I’ve been getting into Overwatch competitively as of late. However outside of the house, I sometimes play basketball. It’s my favourite sport, and I usually follow the NBA very closely and love playing it for fitness and fun.

Thanks if you sat through that. Now you know more about the kind of person I am.

3 Videos of My Life

Here are three different videos of my life.

When you’re home alone and don’t know what to make. Make some cup noodles, its satisfying and simple. Except when you try to make it with one hand.

I’m not a only child. I have sister, unfortunately she has a disability and I usually look after her in my free time.

One thing you need to know about me, is that I’m an Idol Otaku. I love Japanese Idol Music. Usually when you see Wotagei perform, there’s music, however to avoid any copyright, I did a quick improv without music.

I hope you enjoyed the random things in my life.

Week 1 Mic Test

For the three audio recordings, I decided to use this opportunity to test out the different recording devices I have. Ranging from an Iphone 6, a Razer Gaming Headset and a USB Microphone. Without further a due, here are my three recordings.

Iphone 6

Razer Kracken Pro Gaming Head Set

MXL Tempo SK USB Microphone

Well I hope that was informative for not only you, but for myself.