Week 4 – Workshop Self Portrait and Reflection

So I came to class a bit late today, I miss out on the reading discussions.

So today was finally the last day for us to get feedback on our project brief 2 self portrait. We were all able to share what we have created and able to give feedback to each other. The point of this workshop was to let us show our finish product, although finished is an understatement. Because of the criticism and suggestions we got from each other, most of us, if not all of us went back to our editing timeline and made the few adjustments we heard from our fellow peers. I myself enjoyed my criticism and they were able to answer the problems I had with my self portrait. So I went back to Premiere Pro and began editing and touching up the parts my fellow classmates picked up on. With clock ticking down on our first assessment, I can already feel some pressure towards my last minute touch ups before submitting.

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