Week 4 – Passion

In this week’s media lectorial we were more guided into the world of media. We didn’t really learn anything too new. Instead were given tips and advice on how to approach media for our future careers. A video was shown to us in the lectorial. It was a video of Cal Newport using Steve Job’s advice of “Follow your passion” in a negative way. He explained how “Follow you passion” is not a god advice. Why was it not a good advice? He was simply stating the fact not many people who have passion by then, so there is no passion to follow. How could we follow something, when there’s nothing to follow. I like how he went on to explain it’s not where you start, but where you go from where you are at. He even made Steve Jobs sound hypocritical, as he mention that Apple was just another tech company to Steve Jobs, but it blew up in a big way, and from that he was able to keep working on from that, which in turn became his passion. At first Apple was not Steve Job’s passion, it was merely a stepping stone.

Even though this talk about “Following your passion” is a bad advice. It’s really only. Bad advice if you have nothing to follow and have no idea where to start. I know many people in my family and friends who still don’t know what they are looking for even after completing high school. I for one was lucky and found media as my passion when Inwas young. I simply picked up a camera when I was 11 years old and started filming. It was from that, I discovered my passion for media and film making.

I can agree to some degree with what Cal Newport said that “Follow your passion” is a bad advice, but then I have to disagree to some parts. Because following your passion is a good advice after you found it.

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