Its Everybody's Business

We gotta Stick Together

Tag: Media 1 (page 4 of 4)

Goals and Keeping Score

Day Two of Uni – Yeah so we learning fast. Apparently its not a good idea to go all the way to the train station until AFTER you check your timetable. This way you can find out that you dont actually have a class… Otherwise you end up getting off at the next stop and walking back home for another two hours of sleep


I eventually tried again and went to my ‘Lectorial’ where we read an article about deep attention. The article was published in 2007 and it was referring to people who were 12 years old. which means that its basically now referring to us. It was comforting to know that the education system has realised that we are Hyper Attentive and it will no longer work to use a deep focus approach. Because it definetly feels that thats what the education system has been trying to make us conform to.

Furthermore it spoke about whether hyper or deep attention was better and which our generation preferred. I suppose at this point i was interested to  note procrastination. I thought about how people of my generation do like to procrastinate. The artile referred to how it was more efficient to do tasks back to back than to try and multitask and do them all at once. And i noticed that when i do multitask – tats actually how i facilitate my procrastination.

However, its also curious that i personally need my own moments of deep attention. for example when i was studying and doing my a levels i noticed that in order to actually work i would need o just focus on the task at hand.

So i suppose that I need to explore this further and really find out where my sweet spot is in terms of hyper vs deep attention.

For this course specifically this is going to be important – for example i think its necessary to mention i was quite relieved to find out that for Media 1 projects we actually had to CREATE media and that this was the preferred form of assessment – simply because essay writing is NOT my thing.

I also formed a list of my goals for later this course. which i have attached onto the bottom of this blog post – so check it. Yadig?

Screen Shot 2015-03-04 at 1.08.24 am

Two Firsts for Once

I woke at 6:35am – my Grandmother walked into my room and flicked on the lights. Blinding me. Nooo I wasnnnt Ready!!! . It was the First Day of the Baha’i Fast. I am a member of the Bahai faith, more information on this later. But basically this means that come March 2nd we start to observe our 19 day fast – abstaining from food and drink from Sunrise to Sunset.

I had my breakfast and instantly went back to bed. but not for long. Today was also the first day of University – What…
After graduating from highschool in June 2013 i was finally ready to pick the books back up… oh boi.
at 8:15 I hopped on the train and started my 1 hour journey into university – arriving just in time for my first ever University Class.
I soon realised that choosing this course was one of the best wind shifts of my life, This realisation came as we watched the Wizard of OZ at 9:30am on a Monday in a Cinema. This education – worth every penny.
My excitement was subdued by the 3rd song in the movie… WHY SO MANY SONGS BRO!

Once the class ended it was time to watch my friends eat their lunch…
Jks. They asked me what i planned to do for lunch – which is when i explained it was the first day of the Baha’i Fast, surprisingly they took the information very well, I had worried that they might think i was strange… but apparently i had nothing to be worried about… except not thinking about food.

Come time for the second lecture of the day i was excited to find i was in a class with people i knew! Wooohoo. We did introductions and i settled in for a great lesson.  This is when i got the news.
the. news. oh boi.

I was in the Wrong Class… NUUUUU
I was Exiled by Brian Morris… i sadly walked from the classroom leaving all my new best friends… “Bye my Friends!”
I found myself then in a new Class… new faces. Very few of Which i Recognised… well. New opportunities i guess…

Luckily they were all not scary, we introduced ourselves at the table… and together battled the excruciatingly slow wifi, and they helped me forget my hunger.

At the end of this class we were asked to complete a tech survey including what types of media equipment we were familiar with using. To my pleasant surprise I found that I had quite a bit of experience using the equipment that was listed on the survey; giving me a positive attitude towards the future of this course.


By the time i got home i was quite satisfied with the Best Double first day of my life and settled down to a fine bowl of chicken curry.


First Day of School! #NeverSayNever #TwoYearsLater #rmitmelbourne

A photo posted by Jordan Williams (@jrnwfire) on

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