Today was our first class back since the day of our music video shoot, and I still had not seen the rushes of our video. After the shoot I was so totally exhausted that I simply dumped the footage onto the Uni media server and went home. I was unable to review the footage at home because I dont have a CF card reader. However, on Monday morning I came in to return the equipment we borrowed, and I was able to copy the footage to my HDD. Which I still did not review.

However, when we arrived at class I expressed some of my concerns:
– Due to the desired look being a shallow depth of field, I had to push the shutter speed very high and I am concerned about a choppy look to the footage.

– There was lots of direct sunlight and this overexposed parts of our shot.

– The princesses do not look like princesses (Rohan you were right about the Princesses)

After class I went and looked at some of the footage – to my surprise the footage was not THAT badly over exposed, it seems that the LCD on the camera simply made it look worse than it was. Rohan also assured me that the blown out exposure was not beyond repair. As for the choppy shots, this was also not that noticeable – WOOHOO… Looks like we are going to be ok.

But, If i had my time again there are a few things I would have done differently:

– Used an ND filter to deal with the brightness of direct sunlight

– Used a VIDEO CAMERA for the wide angle shots where shallow depth of field was unnecessary. The sensors dynamic range would have been better for the over exposed parts. However, the closer shots we were able to get away using a diffuser.

– Not used a wig for our Rapunzel princess.

BUT I WOULD ALWAYS Like to have a hover board! It made carrying equipment a dream! AmtVoyO-5rz6RzTYJ6oqoE8Y3aeZIWFCgndr5sntaQtM