Tomorrow is the day! The Shoot!

So, when we did our original location scout we were still quite unsure about the treatment for the music video. We were still vaguely stuck on something to do with balloons and a guy with Elvis hair… Thus, when we did our original scout to the botanical gardens we did not have specific shots in mind. This caused me to panic today, because tomorrow is the shoot and I am meant to be shooting this music video with a camera I am not totally familiar with.

In order to calm my nerves I took a walk by myself into the botanic gardens today, I took my own camera and a 50mm lens, and decided that probably everything would be ok. Luckily now we have a good idea about the various scenes in our music video and the princesses that we want to have starring. Therefore, I was able to pick locations that would suit the scenes. The scout was quite a success as I enjoyed walking around the gardens at the same time. I talked to a few people and told them what we were going to do, which they found quite interesting.  Additionally, I was able to plan a few shots so that Im not totally surprised when it comes to shooting tomorrow.

Here is the current shotlist:


“HEY YOU THERE” by Aivy – Production Shot List


Shot Description TIME NOTE Location
1 Abby sitting on the bench absently strumming ukelele 0 – 0:20 85mm Aivy OpeningFurther around lake accross from Cinema
2 Reverse angle x x Original Location
3 Closeup of ukulele x
4 Distance shot from back near hill when suddenly balloons float into camera x 85mm or 24-105mm
5 Abby sees the shadow come over her?/ Sees baloons in the reaction in the water and turns around to see them x 85mm
6 Balloon reflection x 85mm
7 Abby perspective sees elvis hair from the back x 85mm
8 Balloons and elvis drift out of shot. Abbys eyes follow.
9 Abby gets up and runs after him FADE
Scene Change to Rapunzel
10 Rapunzel gets her hair caught on the bushes  Repunzels Struggle
11 Elvis hands her the brush tight shot
12 Abby asks for elvis through bushes shot
13 They walk off and they are having fun and talking about life FADE
Scene Change to Cinderella
14 She drops her stuff sits on the floor in distraught ness Do we wanna show the pathway?  Cinerlla Fall
15 Hands her thongs close shot
16 Abby Asks for Prince


Scene Change to Sleeping Beauty
17 Trying to study Sleeping Beauty

Shouldnt this be rapunzel?

18 Hands coffee
19 Abby asks through the pillars
20 Rapunzel is busy trying to be beautiful on the tower and abby pulls her over / pulls her along Fade
Scene change to them looking for him
21 Crosses bridge and looks at map fade  Group Cofused Shot
Scene Change to Snow White
21 Scene plays out Screen Shot 2016-02-14 at 1.44.52 PM

Bench Near Mulans Pagola

22 He hands orrange to them
23 Abby and crew show up
Scene change to Travel
24 Walking shots of whole group  Group Travel Avengers shot
25 Wider shot of the travellers MAYBE GET THIS ONE? Or just with the trio?
NO FADE. Sorta suddenly shows mermaid
 Locked off Wide
Mermaid shot
26 Ariel on bench (With baloon) and they tell her to come with them

she says no

27 Wide of Ariel 24-105
28 Elvis is finally found! 2:35 85mm Establishing Final Shot
29 Lots of angles and the couple shot  Arch for the Couple
Fade to post song scene
Couple runs off into sunset with castle behind  IMG_3751