After the submission of our Project brief last week, we moved on to the in class screenings today. My project, titled ‘elevators’ can be found here:

Before I begin to discuss feedback i would like to acknowledge something. I had not watched the video fully until class this morning, so it was only once it was being screened that i realised i made a mistake. The photographs of from inside the lift looking out were supposed to occur only once, after the relevant title had been displayed. However, I realised later that they had been shown twice, contributing to the massive overtime

My feedback from the class was relatively positive. The shot of peoples reflections entering the lift was a favourite as it was ghostly and suspenseful an effect which was extenuated he music also added to this effect. The multiple lift door opening and closing edit was also appreciated, being described as “Very well done”. Finally it was pointed out that the elevator perspective looking out at the different spaces was quite intriguing. This is good as i had specifically intended this to happen; because this was in fact the argument of that shot.

Finally, there were also things which had been opened for improvement. The main thing was issues with the text, firstly I had multiple grammatical and spelling mistakes which was a massive oversight. However, secondary to that was that the text could have been not necessary at all. After giving the initial prompt about the philosophy of ‘elevator still existing when closed’, i could have left the rest up to peoples imaginations and reflections. The sound being ‘drony’ or not fluctuating enough was also something where there could have been improvement. It was suggested that if i had it stopping and starting it would have had more of an impact, giving people time to ponder things. Lastly, the ‘character’ or the observer of the piece was quite confusing as we see the camera early on, but then we see me later. I explained that the idea was that the camera was there alone with the elevator, one machine to another. It was commented that if this was my intention i should have reoccurred this theme.

Overall, the project seemed to have been a successful exploration of both my own artistic expression and elevators.