New Media and the decline of the Printed Newspaper

The media is including any communication. It can be print media or computerized media. There is Internet media, advertisement media, print media, news media, and many more different types. The media is mainly divided into two different parts such as new media and Traditional media. Traditional media is the media that exist before the arrival of the Internet, such as newspaper, radio, books, television and cinema. On the other hand new media is the media that rely on the Internet. The arrival of the Internet make the media more modernize and make several printed newspaper companies experience bankruptcy. There is a huge impact of the new media on printed newspapers; the new media make printed newspaper company struggle with the modern age. The new media take away most of the audiences and advertising revenues from the printed newspapers. According to the documentary film “Page One” there are several printed newspaper companies, which cannot survive the new era of the media that dominated by the new media or Internet. There are several reasons why printed newspapers have struggled to survive in the world of New Media. Firstly the New Media is more efficient compare to traditional media. Secondly people can get free news stories from the internet, besides people like to spend their time using social network such as Face Book and Twitter. Lastly most of the companies use Internet to advertise their product.

The arrival of the Internet makes the media more efficient. People can access the Internet with their phones, laptops, and tablet computers. So they do not rely on the printed newspaper or television network for information. In addition, the Internet enables people to get access for the latest information whenever they like. People can use their phones and tablet computers that connected to the Internet in order to search for the latest news or latest information. People can easily turn on their phone or tablet computers to watch or read the latest news straight away whenever and wherever they like. They do not need to go back home in order to turn on their Television or buy newspapers that can be wasting of time and complicated, particularly when they are in the middle of their work.

In the era of New Media you do not have to pay in order to get access for the latest news and information, as long as you can get access to the Internet. There are several websites, which can provide latest and accurate news, such as,, and Those websites do not actually provide news for free, as Brian Stelter pointed out in the documentary film “page one” that there is no free news. Because they can gain income from the advertisements that were putted on their website. But at least people do not have to spend their money on the printed newspapers.

Other than getting free information people also insist fast information. There is a site which known as The sites was founded by Julian Assange, and this site provide fast information and it also provide news stories and news video that can not provided by printed news paper or Television network. In the documentary film “page one” Julian Assange were interviewed by Brian Stelter and in the interview he said that Journalism is just a tool for him to achieve his goal, which was justice. Besides Julian Assange also consider him self as an activist. So he does not care about the codes and ethics of journalism. He received information from anonymous person and manipulated by editing the video. With all the information that he publishes through the could jeopardize traditional media, because it draws people’s attention, and it can also make people distrust journalism. Besides traditional media could lose the audience as well.

Moreover people also can get latest news from social network such as Facebook and Twitter.

In the era of the Internet most people spend their time in front of the computer just to get access to the Internet and use Social Network. Social Network play important role in modern lifestyle, and most of people rely on them. People use social network to get information and to update latest information. Other than that Social Network is getting more creative, therefore they can attract people’s attention. In addition the news that update on the social network are brief and faster than printed newspaper. Social Network take a second to update latest news, on the other hand printed newspaper take one day to update latest news.

Some advertisement companies also use social network to advertise their product, therefore printed newspaper lost most of their advertising revenue.

As Richard Pérez-Peña pointed out in the documentary film “page one” that the collapse of advertising happen faster than any body anticipated. He was trying to say that traditional media lost the advertising revenue drastically. In 2008 the advertising revenue declined 17% and just one year later in 2009 the advertising revenue declined up to 30%. It happen because most of the companies have their own website, so they do not have to pay printed newspaper companies to advertise their product. According to James McQuvy in the documentary film “page one” there are several websites that take most of the advertising revenue such as,, and The lost of advertisement revenue force traditional media to cut hundreds jobs. Based on the fact that the documentary film “page one” shows, New York Time cut 900 jobs in 2009. They had to select as less journalist as they can, because they cannot afford to pay all those journalists.

The media revolution impacts the entire mainstream media all over the world include Australia. According to ABC 24 News which broadcast on 18th of June 2012 several well known Printed news paper companies such as The Age and Sydney Morning Herald, is set to cut 1,900 jobs, close two printing plants, and introduce digital formats.

In conclusion the arrival of the Internet, and the efficiency of the new media make printed newspaper struggle to survive in the new era of the mainstream media or the era of globalization. The Internet takes most of advertisement revenue from traditional media.

In class Collaboration

Today I have just arrived six minutes late to the class and I have missed few things regarding sound scape. Once I walked in to the class I catch last word from my tutor and I started to form a question to ask. I mainly ask about the soundscape, because it is the task I am focusing on. I know that soundscape won’t be graded, but it is quite significant for me in learning. I supposed to start on doing or focusing on the reading for the coming essay, how ever I am thinking of leaving the reading for this weekend to focus on.

Moreover, for today I am going to focusing on the editing the soundscape, finalise it and upload it on the google drive, once I uploaded the soundscape on the google drive, then I will start to do the reading.

Week 3 Class 2

When someone posting or blogging about something, it is usually mean that the things that he/she post is quite significant. Well, I post about this class, because among all the classes that I have been to in this semester, this class is the one that gives me a lot to take in just three ours. there are several activities in this class, which quite interest me and also this class is the class when we started to form our group for the sound scape project.

Here is the in class activity that interest me a lot:

Group Work:

List we need to know to do the project:
• Choose an item
• Brainstorm
• Define the brain storm: what we need to include
• Group communication
• We need to figure out how to separate the task, and organize a group meeting.
• Time frame for recording.
• Essay (reference,
• How different sounds that we want


Choose an item

Choose equipment

Share Assignment task

Decide location




I was thinking of using this camera for my first task, but I ended up struggling in figuring out how to operate it. when I borrowed this camera from the RMIT technician, they told me that this device is quite simple to operate. I was confidence and carried this device all the way to my place to shoot a short video. once I get into my place, I stared at this device with a blank mind, I had no idea in how to operate this device. at the end of the day I used my phone to make a short video for the first task.

Zoom H4

For the first exercise of this media 3 class, I was helping my self with zoom H4 to finish the task. the exercise was about an object that I attached to, which was actually my laptop and I replace it with Zoom H4 recorder. besides of using zoom H4 recorder as a replacement device for my laptop, I also use it to record the voice over and the soundtrack for the video. I have used this device in my previous classes, so I already know how to use it.

Kitchen Sound

First Draft of the Script

Opening the fridge
Chopping vegetables
Swipe of the knife of the chopping board (pushing it to the side)
Shutting the fridge
Turning the stove on
Sink Tap
Utensils being put into the sink
Squirt of dishwashing liquid
Squeezing the water out of a sponge/ tea towel
Plates and cups clashing
Sizzling of an onion (or anything) that’s put on a hot saucepan with oil
Sound of microwave running
TV (sound of cooking show) (ie Maggie Beer or Nigela Lawson)
Sound of a fan
Salt and pepper shaking
sound of spoon and plate as people were eating
sound of spoon falling from dining table
Squirting of the bench cleaner
Wiping of the bench
Mix master
Whisking of an egg
Kettle boiling
Pouring of the hot water
Someone blowing on their hot tea
Tear the plastic food bag

MY Laptop

My laptop, my laptop is an apple product and it cost me shit lots money. I have been using it since the start of the semester one, which was; ummmmm, four years ago. Besides of spending lots of money buying it, I also spend shit lots of money repairing it. As we all know that having an apple product is not that easy, it is so hard to get cheap software, even music I have to buy it, I cannot download a single song for free on my MacBook. However I have been relying on this thing for so long. Almost 100% I depend on it. For almost every schoolwork’s I have to use it and I also use it for watching soccer game on the Internet, plus! watching YouTube, check my Facebook, email, and make a soundtrack for movie production. I cannot imagine a life without my laptop. If this object were a live I would have consider it as my second child, LOL.

Brain Storming my idea

I have missed first week classes and 1st class of the second week, therefore I have to catch up with the things that I have lost. I believe that every one in my class have done their work of making a short story about an object that significant to them. I have just chose my laptop as an object that significant to me, and the picture above, shows the brainstorming of my idea to make a short story about the object that significant to me.

Over all reflection (Collaborative)

many small light bulbs equal big one

I was confused when I enter the first class of the second week; I was actually late and missed 50% of the first class. I was trying to catch up with all the things that I have missed at that time. I was just getting back from winter break and my mind was still in a holiday. Therefore I had plenty of things that I need to catch up with. I believe that most of the students in the class have started their blog post in the first week and I have not started any thing yet.

The tutor gave me some information about the blog posting and the first assignment, which was mostly about blog post. Besides, he was also giving me some information about this course and things that I have missed in the first class and second class of the first week.

I though that, the blog post was not that important, but actually blog post is the main part of this course, and we need to keep blogging every week. We have to fill it with some information from tutorial and some activity that were given in the tutorial. Furthermore, I also needed to blog about the progress that I have made during the make of the short documentary film.

I was busy with several things, till I lost my focus on this course, fortunately my tutor is supportive and helpful, he was always available for consultation and he was also giving me a lot of constructive feedback. In addition, there are several in class activities that help me to collaborate with my classmates.

When I missed the first and second class of the first week, and turn up late for the first class of the second week. I was totally confused with this course, but there are chances for me to catch up by collaborating with the students in the class.

Honestly speaking, I turn up late to class most of the time and missed several classes due to unfriendly wheatear that Melbourne has, but the tutor and my classmates are helpful. They help me to catch up with the materials that I have missed and also give me clue to improve my performance.

Through out this semester, I have learned how to collaborate with people in several projects, particularly film production. Everything that I have noticed from this course is the group work. This course contains in class activities that allow me to collaborate with my classmates, which also teach me how to collaborate with people and accepting people’s idea.

I believe that in film production industry, we need to work as a group in order to create a good film. Therefore, most of the skills that I have picked up from this course, particularly collaborative skills, will help me to collaborate with others in my future carrier.

Without collaboration, I would not finish the short documentary film that I am making. I have received helps from friends and my tutor to push me through all the hard time that I have faced during the making of this short documentary film.