
One of the most determining conditions to making a good video is lighting. Lighting serves a range of purposes such as creating the aesthetics, providing sufficient visual appearance, as well as making a video looking professional. Moreover, good lighting really makes a video worth watching.
There are two sources of lighting in shooting a video:
• Natural Light
• Artificial Light

Natural Light
This is the light that comes from the nature without any alteration of the amount of light and brightness by a hand-made light or other products/devices. This type of light enables us to capture a scene in its most authentic condition. Therefore, it creates an authentic aesthetic. However, there are also certain problems that one might encounter when shooting a video using just natural light. One primary limitation to shooting using natural light is the space and room. The space (location) where the shooting is done is very important when using just natural light since the light might be limited and cannot be altered. One interference that could be done in the situation when only minimum natural light is available is changing the Gain setting on the camera, if artificial light is not to be applied or not available. However, using this option should be the last reserve since it requires careful technical treatment. Even worse, when using a camera that does not have the option of setting the gain, it could turn to be a huge blow technically. Therefore, a camera person is required to have a good sense of judgment when choosing a space to film using just natural light.

Artificial Lighting
On contrary to natural light, the second type of light is the artificial light, which is the light produced by electrical lights or other types of materials that produce light. Since it is a source of light that is produced by lighting equipment, the amount of light, the color, and the tone could be altered and manipulated to create certain aesthetics and feel to convene certain messages to the audience. Artificial lighting is mostly used in interview mode filming as well as filming for specific purposes, such as green or blue screening, as well as staged filming or studio recording.
In regards to my choice of light during the shooting of the interview with Fivo Freitas, as well as Fivo’s chit-chat moment with Robin dos Santos during Robin’s visit to his residence, natural light was not sufficient, since it occurred in a closed room in the evening. Therefore, I had to apply artificial light. However, due to lack of experience in using artificial light in shooting a video, I miscalculated the amount of light I needed to make the shot a good one. Therefore, I applied too bright artificial during the filming, which resulted in the video looking too bright. This was made worse by the fact that it was somewhat difficult to make a good judgment on the much smaller size of the camera’s view finder. What could have helped great though was the Iris/Zebra function of the camera, but I was not aware of this function until a later stage.

Lack of stage planning, especially in terms of light positioning contributed as well to the problem. I therefore have learned from this experience and strive to improve in the future when I shoot an interview or scenes that require the application of artificial lighting.

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