Lonely Day

Lonely Day

Lonely Day is the title that I choose for the short film that I am making. In this short film I am trying different shots, which focusing on a guy who are being lonely while walking around the city.

I was planning to shot a horror film, but the timing was not perfect for that. Therefore I decided to change my plan and shot something else. I was not write anything about this short film that I am making, which I call “Lonely Day”, but the ideas just occur in my head once I went into the class and everyone started to talked about their ideas.

I explained my ideas to my friends who I was going to work with, and they all were happy to work with me on that day. We went out to Swanston St, and started to take the first try out shot. After the first try out shot I realized that there are some improvement that need to be done, so I took another shot and it went pretty well.

I took several footages, which I could use to finalize the film, and I was pretty confidence on those footages that I was collecting. Everything seems pretty good till I went into the edit room.

When I am doing the editing, I found out a lot of missing parts, which needed to be fixed. The story line is fine for me, but there are some gaps between each scene. Those scenes are connected, but they are not going in a flow, which makes the film does not look nice.

After I found out that problem, I am starting to make a plan, in order to fix it. I might add a sound track on this film or call the actor and take some additional footage to fill up the gap.

Here is the location for the film:


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