Equal opportunity in the world of media

This particular image is drawing my attention in the world of media today and in the future. As the image above shows, basically I am going to talk about equal opportunity in the world of media today and also in the future.

In the past women had less chances to hold important position in media industry. By looking into several sectors in my home country Timor – Leste, I now realize that women’s influence in the world of media are increasing. During Portuguese occupation, which was before 1975, women did not have an equal opportunity to gain education as man, which could create barrier for them to earn good job. When Portuguese left the island, and Indonesian took over the administration, the Indonesian government gave women and men equal opportunity for education.

The equal opportunity that was given by the Indonesian government allowed women to shape their intelligence and express their creativity, and it guides them to gain same position as men do. As Muhammad Yunus said that women tend to care more than a man, which give women’s participation in the world of media are quite important.

The result of women’s participation in the world of media benefit the community a lot, because now women can do men’s work and vice versa. Based on my vision, women’s participation in the world of media will keep increasing and the more they participate, the more positive impact they make

About week 5 classes/ late post

Last week classes were mostly focusing the essay, how ever in the first class of the last week, we were listening to the soundscape that we have done. Well, there were readings that I needed to read in order to do write the essay, but I wasn’t read until the last minute. Regarding class discussion there wasn’t much class discussion to do, mostly it was about drafting the essay. Besides of drafting the essay, I was also participating in the first class of the last week in giving feedback to the soundscape that we were listening to.