Robin dos Santos


When I hear that Ana Noronha left Australia for good, I was struggling to find a new replacement for her, because I was quite set and prepare for shooting the film.

After the rehearsal interview with Fivo, he gave me several options and several names of people that he was helping. From five different names that he gave me, only two of them that comes with contact detail. I tried to ring Antonio Ornai, but he did not answer my call, so I decided to call Robin dos Santos.

When I called Robin dos Santos, he was confused with the purpose of calling, so I explained to him the process of this short documentary film that I am making and he agrees to be part of it.

Robin was one of the hundred refugees that Fivo helped. He came here by boat and he did not speak english at all. Robin came here in 1999 when East Timor was gaining its independence, but the pro Indonesian militia created a chaotic situation in the island.

Robin left his motherland to avoid the conflict and seek for a better life in Australia. he went through quite tough situation before he met Fivo. He had a language barrier, he was still in an adaption process, and at the same time he was going to be send back to his motherland.

After meeting Fivo, Robin said that he felt save and finally found someone that he could trust. Fivo help him to stay in Australia and gave him a chance to learn and improve his english.

I would like to thank Robin dos Santos for sharing his personal life story and sacrificing his time to participate in this short documentary film. I without him, I might spend more time to seek for the replacement for Ana Noronha.

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