Fivo Freitas



Fivo Freitas The men who saved the life of Timorese Asylum seekers and refugees in 1999.

Originally from East Timor and long term activist, advocate and Spokesperson for the East Timorese Asylum seekers since 1999- to the present.

The winner of International Public Relation United Nation Award (IPRA UN Award) in 2003, the successful of the campaign “Let them stay” the East Timorese Asylum seeker.

The winner of Outstanding Yarra Community Service Award 2003, for the volunteer at City of Yarra.

Actor and the East Timorese consultant for the miniseries “Answer by Fire” 2005, the film about East Timor in 1999 referendum.

He was study at Melbourne University of Divinity and graduate as a Master of Theological of Studied in 2010.

Was working as a lecture in Canossian Institution of professional and Counselling at National University of East Timor, since 2011.

Pasion in social justice and community advocacy.

My Documentary film will be focusing on the life of this Timorese hero, and will also touch on the effort that he has done to save Timorese asylum seekers and refugees.

short Video of my presentation

East Timor (Asylum seekers)

This video presentation is quite short, which I used to present my idea of the documentary film in the class. this short video can be confusing without any explanation. Well, this short video only contain soundtrack and a photo montage of crisis in East Timor in 1999 and also photo montage of asylum seekers.

The relationship of this video and my project is quite strong, because my project is about a man who save the life of Timorese refugees and Asylum seekers during the Indonesian occupation.

I hope that this short video will give you a clue about the documentary film that I am going to make.

Exercise 6B (In train incident)

This film was shooting during the second class of week six. the storyline of this short film, was inspired by that film that we watched in the class and we were also given a script. After we received the script we just follow the instruction on the script. I would like to thank Ali, because he did most of the shooting and also directing. furthermore, this exercise is quite fun and useful for me, specially it prepares me for the upcoming project.