script for the Second Film (Guitar)

Neglected now is the old guitar
And moldering into decay;
Fretted with many a rift and scar
That the dull dust hides away,
While the spider spins a silver star
In its silent lips to-day.

The keys hold only nerveless strings–
The sinews of brave old airs
Are pulseless now; and the scarf that clings
So closely here declares
A sad regret in its ravelings
And the faded hue it wears.

But the old guitar, with a lenient grace,
Has cherished a smile for me;
And its features hint of a fairer face
That comes with a memory
Of a flower-and-perfume-haunted place
And a moonlit balcony.

Music sweeter than words confess,
Or the minstrel’s powers invent,
Thrilled here once at the light caress
Of the fairy hands that lent
This excuse for the kiss I press
On the dear old instrument.

The rose of pearl with the jeweled stem
Still blooms; and the tiny sets
In the circle all are here; the gem
In the keys, and the silver frets;
But the dainty fingers that danced o’er them–
Alas for the heart’s regrets!–

Alas for the loosened strings to-day,
And the wounds of rift and scar
On a worn old heart, with its roundelay
Enthralled with a stronger bar
That Fate weaves on, through a dull decay
Like that of the old guitar!

Script for the first Film (FREEDOM)

It’s not funny
To die for the liberty
For the freedom to speak
Freely without fears.

It is not beautiful
to suffer for the rights
To use simple or single words,
To write truthfully, to shed lights
On everything, which is distasteful.

Freedom of the Press
Must be fundamental,
It is the very foundation of true
Democracy, which is a form of wisdom.

A great Nation wants nothing less
Than constant criticism from the few.
Bring the projectors, the martyrs,
The cameras, the writers,
The headlines, the headlights
Of the intelligentsia, to educate the mass,
The unemployed and the underprivileged

The real Heroes
Are never afraid to die,
For the words,
For the pens, pencils
Brushes, and crayons;
The dead heroes
Are our eternal champions.

The sick cowards
Are afraid of the words.
They are unreasonably angry,
Because they kill and hide
Like rats, like rodents.

The freedom of expression
Is absolutely warranted,
And is basically normal.
Open up, open wide to speak out,
Scream and shout.
This is fundamental
In a true democracy.

It is not funny or freaky,
To die for free speech.
However, it’s too early
to die for the expression
Of simple words.

Plan for the First Film (about Freedom of expression)

For the first film, I am thinking of the ‘word’ FREEDOM as the main topic of the film. As I am coming from a country, which just gain its independence 15 years ago, makes me realize that freedom is crucial in people’s life specially freedom of expression. Therefore, in this particular short film, I want to focus on the music to convey the message of freedom, because I believe that music able to exhibit the feeling of being free. Besides, using musical instrument in this film can be entertaining as well. It is important to make an entertaining short film in order to attract the audience and the messages that the film convey will be captured by the audience. Furthermore, the main purpose of this short film is to tell the audience the importance of the freedom of expression, because in this modern age still there are millions of people who are still afraid to express their brilliant ideas.

Technological Determinism

A mobile phone is a device that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link while moving around a wide geographic area. “The mobile phone was first invented in 1940, but it was only available for some companies” . “In 1973 Jhon F. Mitchel and Dr Martin Cooper demonstrated the hand-held mobile phone, which was weighing around 2.2 pound (1kg)” , and it become commercially available in 1979. The availability of mobile phone in the society effect the use of mobile phone increase rapidly, “From 1990 to 2011, worldwide mobile phone subscriptions grew from 12.4 million to over 6 billion, penetrating about 87% of the global population.”

The mobile was invented in 1940 and in 1973 the world’s first mobile phone call was made. In 1940 the mobile phone only available for some companies. In 1973 Motorola became the first company to produce hand held mobile phone. On 3rd of April 1973 Martin Cooper, a Motorola engineer and executive, made the first mobile telephone call from handheld subscriber equipment in front of reporters, placing a call to Dr. Joel S. Engel of Bell Labs. At that time the mobile phone take 10 hours to charge and only offer 20 minutes talk time. Because of the limited time, people barely use mobile phone to call for long period of time; therefore they only use mobile phone for emergency call.

Remember that the world’s first mobile phone call was made in 1973, and commercially available in 1979. In 1979 the world first commercial automated cellular network was launched in Japan. In 1981, this was followed by the simultaneous launch of the Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT) system in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. After that the DynaTAc mobile phone launched on the first US 1G network by Ameritech On 6 March 1983. In 1991, the second generation (2G) cellular technology was launched in Finland by Radiolinja. Ten years later, which was in 2001the third generation (3G) was launched in Japan by NTT DoCoMo.

The use of mobile phone keeps increasing every year, after Australia’s first mobile phone system began in 1981. They attract 1300 customers and in 1992 the mobile phone services in Australia increase to 635,000. In 2007 the mobile phone services in Australia increase to 19.76 million and in June 2012 it reached 30.2 million mobile services.

Back to forty years ago people barely use mobile phone, there were only companies used it. The size of the mobile phone back then was pretty huge for people to carry around. Other than that it took ten hours to charge and offered just 20 minutes talk time, so they only use mobile phone for emergency call. Due to advance of the Technology the use of the mobile phone change rapidly and become significant in the society. Currently people use mobile phone for several purposes other than communication.

Based on my phone log, I rely on the mobile phone; I use mobile phone as my main device for communication. Other than that I also use mobile phone for clock, alarm and as a mp3. So besides of being communication device, the mobile phone can also become an entertainment device.

I cannot imagine living a life without mobile phone, forty years back the mobile phone was just a long distance communication device, which only offered 20 minutes, talk time. Now the mobile phone is significant in people’s life.

Internet/ it influence todays media

“The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite to serve billions of users worldwide” . “The history of the Internet started in 1950 when the development of electronic computer begun” . At that time the Internet was relying on ARPANet, because the message was sent through ARPANet. After that “in 1982 the Internet protocol suit was standardized and Commercial Internet service providers began to emerge in the late 1980s and early 1990s” . The arrival of the Internet impact people’s life style and most of people rely on the Internet. There are several reasons, which make the Internet significant to people’s daily life.

In the era of globalization, the Internet play crucial role in people’s life. Most of people rely their life on the Internet particularly in highly developed countries such as Australia, USA, Germany, New Zealand and Norway. In those countries people use the Internet to shop and also to invest. The Internet makes life become more efficient. Other than that the Internet enable people to access for latest information, because it provides instant and accurate information.

Furthermore the Internet changes the implementation of the education system. Most of universities around the world use the Internet as one of their main sources. The student is insisted to use the Internet as a one their main sources for research. Some universities also provide online tutorial, which allow lectures tutoring their student through the Internet. Other than that the universities provide registration through the Internet as well.

The Internet also gives an impact on people’s social life. Most people use the Internet to socialize; there are several social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, which attract people’s attention. You can meet new friend and also keep in touch with your old friend through those social networks. Besides most people spend most of their time on the Internet just to use social network.

The Internet enables me to find some reliable sources that useful for my schoolwork, and also provide entertainment, which I can use to entertain my self.

Based on my Internet log, I spend most of my time to use social network and doing schoolwork. As a student I rely on the Internet to do my work. During weekdays I use the Internet to do my schoolwork, socialize through social network, read online newspaper and entertain my self. On the weekend I spend my time in front of the computer to use social network, entertain my self and read online newspaper. There are several websites, which useful for school work, such as,, I use Google and Wikipedia to search for basic information for media assignment. I need to balance school work, entertainment and socialize, in order to do that I use social network, listen to music video on the YouTube and do my school work simultaneously. Over all I spend most of my time on using social network, because I always log on to Face Book while doing schoolwork. Besides I only spend my time on doing schoolwork during weekdays, but I use social network for the whole week.

I cannot imagine living a life without the Internet. I believe that my life would be isolated without the Internet, because the Internet is the main source of information and entertainment.

Just want to look at media in wide point of view

I found this image on the Facebook, and I think that it is quite interesting image to look at, as I know I am a media student. well, I have studying media for four years and I have been living under the influence of media for almost my entire life. I know that media coverage is not as fair as majority of people think. Therefore, I am posting this image to express my feeling about media coverage as a media student.

Unacceptable Technique

I was proposing to use Ableton Live to make soundtrack for the latest video from Offernburg, but it was rejected as the group need to record or create a soundtrack of a rainfall. I am kind of agree with Adrian’s explanations and ideas that he gave in class regarding the soundtrack that we need to record.