MEETING LOG ~~ Summary


Vanessa, Kris, Isobell and Joss


Date Discussion Future/ Homework



  • The subject of institution was given to us
  • Brainstormed our ideas of institutions (jails, schools, religion, large scale cooperation)
  • K-POP as an institution
  • MTV as an institution
  • Are these pop-culture channels institutions? Lengthy discussion on whether promotion of behavior qualifies an organization as an institution
  • What is the difference between an organization and institution?
  • Facebook group was made with all members of group ~ easy contact
  • Annotated bibliography (due in 2 weeks) ~ each member needs six different academic sources
  • We need to figure out what an institution is and if these pop culture channels apply
  • What is Korean Pop? Lets take a closer look… youtubes, articles etc.

Private meeting


  • Over the weekend all members found articles about K-POP and brought them forward for discussion
  • Watch K-POP Vice Documentary ( ~ Seoul Fashion Week – K-Pop to Double Eyelid Surgery
  • Discussed balance between K-POP itself being an institution and whether the image they produced being institutionalized
  • Quick discussion on video essay and audio essay approach
  • Continue on with annotated bibliographies (everyone is around half way now)
  • Continue watching K-POP documentaries and reading articles
  • Everyone now following K-POP Daily on Facebook ~ a page dedicated to K-POP news ~ and see how media represents idols



  • Started brainstorming points for the video essay (what kind of approach should we use)
  • Everyone was given a paragraph for homework to write up to help develop script
    Origins of K-POP: Isobel

Growth and Progression: Vanessa

Sphere of Influence: Joss

Demonstration of control: Kris

  • Continue on annotated bibliography (everyone should have AT LEAST 4 by the end of next week)
  • Write up 250 words each on prescribed topic (making 1000 words all up) ~ around 5 minutes of talking
  • Continue research and get REFERENCES!

Private Meeting


  • Go through audio script
  • Discussion on incorporating MTV into PB4 to create comparisons about each pop industry’s promotion of culture and ethics
  • MTV (16 and pregnant) vs. KPOP (affirmation of their idol’s perfection)
  • Exploitation of young mothers for entertainment vs. South Korea’s elevated desire for ‘innocence’/virginity ~ how are these two institutions different and why?!
  • Made Hodgson our main reference for institution definition
  • Recorded first draft of audio script  
  • Go and research MTV
  • Find out why MTV has changed from a liberated channel of music to now providing ‘crap’ TV shows about either upper or lower class (no middle class… why?
  • Continue editing 250 words, we need more references
  • Understand what started K-POP



  • Played audio script to Rachel and class ~ overall good feedback however….
  • Rachel questions whether K-POP actually is an institution… we need to do research on how to prove it is
  • Annotated bibliographies were due ~ discussed what everybody found ~ a lot more interest in K-POP then MTV
  • Discussion on institution vs. institutionalized thinking (what do they both mean) (is collectivist thinking portrayed through social media trends?)
  • More editing on video script
  • Started discussion on audio script ~ what will be the differences between audio and video?
  • How do we define K-POP as an institution ~~ doc in Google Drive

  • More research!
  • If we see any videos or articles on the internet about K-POP start to save them and put into Google drive folder
  • Decide whether or not we are interested in doing MTV? We seem to be sitting on the fence with this one (very interested in it’s sexualisation of young girls but is that really relevant?)

Private Meeting

  • Started ball rolling for video script; we want to record some time this week! Pretty much all done now
  • Scrapping of MTV idea ~ makes the portrait have too many subjects and parts. Having only K-POP makes it easier to show that it is an institution
  • Writing up of audio script (have to present it this Friday in workshop)
  • Discussion on the approach we should take on audio script
  • Writing up and finalizing script before recording on Wednesday
  • Re-edit previous script work that referenced MTV as we have now dismissed our case study of it
  • Watch more documentaries and attempt to understand what is K-POP

Private Meeting


  • Recording of audio script in Building 9
  • Once recording and spoken out loud there were obvious grammatical errors that had to be re-typed
  • Re recorded segment of audio essay… Kris speaking foreign language which where will over
  • Everyone go home and re-read both scripts ~ make sure they are easy to read and comprehensible
  • Continue to gather video essay footage (REMEMBER TO CITE!




  • Workshop and showed Rachel our video and audio takes so far
  • Positive feedback, especially in regards to audio
  • Started sorting through Google Drive and organising folders of audio and video elements
  • Re-ran through script for final recording nect week
  • – As end of semester is now approaching everyone needs to go home and make sure that the Dossier, and Google Drive elements are all up to scratch
  • – A shared

Private Meeting


  • Re-record video script
  • Record audio introduction again
  • Video script reworked
  • A shared USB was passed around and we downloaded everyones found footage onto it to maximise editing
  • Produced table of content for video script, started including
  • Final week of editing really begins
  • Continously send files and clips of how video and audio editing is progressing
  • Make sure blogs are up to date
  • Joss and Isobell take home found footage and start making essays

Private Meeting


  • Do one last major take of video essay with final edit
  • Moved rooms Sound Suites on ground level of Building 9 ~~ a MUCH HIGHER sound quality rather than in the basement where you could hear the opening and closing of door/ muffled sound of voices
  • Re-recorded an introduction for audio essay
  • Made sure everyone is up to date with blogs
  • Apply all the recordings made for this session onto Premiere so next week we only have to worry about visuals

Private Meeting


  • Isobell and Vanessa brought in what they had made of essays so far
  • Group discussed what could be re-edited and structure
  • Final touch ups for audio essay ~~ MEGA trim of length … Went overtime nearly 10 minutes
  • Video essay discussion
  • Isobell go home and trim audio essay ~ by now pretty much all the editing is done and we just need to focus on time management
  • Video essay needs more visual work, but narration and time length is sound

Private Meeting


  • Second