
Overall I really enjoyed making my PB2. Before the haiku exercise, I had never used Premiere but had always been coming up with lots of ideas to do with editing and film techniques. I thought this project was extremely beneficial as it allowed me to teach myself and experiment in the basics of editing – something I am sure i will need and want to use when it comes to using and learning about media.

I collaborated ideas with my friend Tom Cardy who is also playing the drums and guitar accompaniment in this video. After a discussion about what I am interested in and how I would like to portray ‘me’, we decided draw inspirations from one of my favourite movies, Birdman 2014 directed by Alejandro Gonzáles Iñárritu, and try to deliver a fast moving film that captures my liveliness and desire to explore my new surroundings. The film is called The Unexpected Virtue of Innocence, similar to Birdman’s Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance to demonstrate the transition I’m currently experiencing from teenager to adult. In the film I have captured elements of my everyday life that are significant to me, as I’ve just moved from Sydney to Melbourne and for the first time living out of home and therefore finding my own way in my new environment. Whilst moving states i’ve developed the desire to draw, mostly drawing characters in different situations that I think connote how I feel about moving to an unfamiliar city and doing things that are new to me. These characters are displayed also throughout my blog, as I feel they capture my feelings and thoughts towards ‘adult life’. In my film my character ends with being a super hero – although this would be an awesome surprise if were true – I used him to symbolise how even though I am still on a quest to find out who I am fully, (a journey I think we never stop travelling), everyone has to acknowledge that they have to power to be who they want to be. Thus, I’ve surrounded the images of me drawing with things that i revolve my life around and I think remind me of my morals and ethics.

‘I kill an ant, and realise my three children, have been watching’

The approach i took towards my Haiku was very experimental. As I had never used Premier before, nor have I had much experience with film making, I capitalised on Shuson Katu semi comical semi abstract poem to help me in … Continue reading 

Media moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.

Thank you Matthew Broderick for your eternal words of wisdom that are applicable in any situation, shape or form. In the same way that John Hughes liberated old Bueller from the constraints of his high school mediocrity, in today’s lecture we got to go into the big wide world, yes, world, not web, and acknowledge media’s experimentation and omnipresence within the matrix of our lives.

Federation Square

  • Satellite dishes
  • KII5 Poster
  • St Paul’s Cathedral promotion
  • Electric Billboards
  • Company names on buildings
  • Police car advertising
  • Tram ads
  • Screens on buildings
  • Rolling electrical banner
  • SBS coverage and building
  • Australian flag
  • Aboriginal flag
  • Smart phones
  • Watches
  • Pens (logos of previous hotels I had stayed in)
  • Converse


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