WHERE TO INVADE NEXT, Michael Moore – Review, 9th May 2016

Where To Invade Next is a Michael Moore directed, written and produced documentary that demonstrates how American ideals have been adopted across Europe providing 21st century ideologies, and questioning why and how these contemporary ideas have been ignored within America’s values and conservatism. Introduced in a classic ‘Moorean’ style that displays America’s traditional power values of guns, presidency, democracy and geographical size the audience awaits a Bowling for Columbine sequel of Americans talking about America. However, Moore quickly relocates into areas of Europe discussing European approaches to work and holidays, education, health, sex and equality. Each country shocks Moore and what can be imagined his American audience as the foreigners laugh and scorn at America’s lack of judgement over work vs. play and general societal approaches. In the final moments of the one hour and fifty minute documentary, Moore leaves us with a patriotic conclusion that reminds us that these elements of European society that seem total contradictory to America’s capitalist and work to bone agenda are derived from American philosopher’s and ideals. Even though this can be seem as American prejudice and ‘need to pee on what belongs to me’-ship, it’s nice to see Moore approach the audience in a way that makes them feel proud of elements not usually broadcast to Americans. By engaging the audience through a demonstration of American advocacy Moore suggests to his national audience that America can and has been good, and that ***we**** need to readjust our way of thinking to absorb our better ideals. Even though I watched this as an Australian audience who didn’t necessarily get the giddy feeling of being the ‘bestest from the restest’, I though Moore’s approach was intelligent and whole hearted as he once again tries to reshape America’s ideology of them self.