Media moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.

Thank you Matthew Broderick for your eternal words of wisdom that are applicable in any situation, shape or form. In the same way that John Hughes liberated old Bueller from the constraints of his high school mediocrity, in today’s lecture we got to go into the big wide world, yes, world, not web, and acknowledge media’s experimentation and omnipresence within the matrix of our lives.

Federation Square

  • Satellite dishes
  • KII5 Poster
  • St Paul’s Cathedral promotion
  • Electric Billboards
  • Company names on buildings
  • Police car advertising
  • Tram ads
  • Screens on buildings
  • Rolling electrical banner
  • SBS coverage and building
  • Australian flag
  • Aboriginal flag
  • Smart phones
  • Watches
  • Pens (logos of previous hotels I had stayed in)
  • Converse


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