In this weeks lecture (Week 10), Brian discussed insitutions. First thing he stated was that institutions, as well as its term, is from sociology and it concerned with organising structures. Social, political, and economic elements form abstract relationships with one another that make qualities of each group tangible. Thus, principles, values and rules all underly institutional focus projecting themselves into individuals. In the example of marriage we see how social, cultural, legal and economic elements have all amalgamated certain conventions that has become projected on individuals perception of and what makes up ‘marriage’ (joining of a man and women is a social belief, whilst true love is a cultural belief). The same can be seen in media institutions were organisations create enduring expectations for the audience to obey by. In doing so they regulate and structure activities that individuals consciously accept creating a collectivist community (the institution’s ultimate identity goal). As they grow larger and more socially powerful they distinguish characteristics working practices whose employees and people either share the same view or are excluded. By doing so, it makes the public aware of the status and expectations of an individual’s relationship with an institution.