Week 7’s studio allowed for class members to pitch ideas regarding their up and coming assessment task, which could be included in an online publication. A pitch’s nature should be descriptive and brief, stating the fundamental aspects of the subject in a ‘hook’ like fashion. Investigating the nature of the pitch, coincided nicely with one of my other classes about The Cinematic Image of Youth, where we recently discussed high concepts films. Similar in approach, the shortened nature of a pitch in general got me thinking about buzz words and click bait online.
A couple of classes ago we discussed how it has become quite common now to read an article’s title, digest that information and move on without actually having opened or investigated the true nature of what that article is saying. In response to this, a newspaper published an article that deplored this millennial behaviour, with the actual contents of the article celebrating the fact that the persons opened it. This story, in conjunction to this week’s pitch, are interesting things to note in the development of our society, as we’re heading towards dot-point new articles and summarised news broadcasting on The Project.
Pitch’s are great, as their lack of development invites the audience to both critique and expand your point. As we’re becoming more and more aware of the way language and semiotics develop thought patterns and meanings, perhaps the short natured rotten tomato reviews aren’t such a bad thing.