‘Idiot Typing’

In a film about time travel, spontaneous surprises seem inevitable, yet, I’m you, dickhead became foreseeable. Juxtaposing Blaise Pascal’s comment ‘man’s greatness lies in his power with thought’ with a Jeff Goldblum quote from Jurassic Park about ethics, the film debated ethics with modern humour, allowing the audience a portal to laught at one self through the mode of travel depicted on screen. Anthony Gooley’s character of a simplistic male, whose desire to travel back in time is guided by sex desire and reform, misses the mark and leaves the narrative with an empty space filled with the timewarp’s ‘double’ repetition. Th


the film provoked a modern intepretation about time travel, demonstrating


the film incorporated modern humour and truths in


quote vs. stupidity…. modern idea of self allows us to laugh at oneself BECAUSE we oppose institutions

  • In a narrative about time travel, spontaneous surprises seem the most foreseeable variable. However, this script wasn’t surprising or challenging in its execution
  • All elements surrounding the narrative are of high quality, including the actors, mis-en-scene and supporting actors, however the narrative itself is derived from originality
  • The simplicity of the protagonist attempts to create a modern interpretation of time travel, and demonstrate aspects of modern society that play out within our reality. Such as our desire and lack of romance regarding sex, and overly realistic reaction to our under hyped futures. However, by portraying such simplicity within the male narrative, the film under sells itself through its attempted simplicity.
  • ‘This isn’t about music Richard, its about tits’ – ‘jesus christ, mums a babe’ – please no
  • Humour was lost on m
  • Film elements were impressive

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