Writing the essay…

In last week’s class discussion, Adrian proposed the idea of writing our essays in paragraph or point format in order to obtain the course’s decentralisation from anthropocentrism. Moving away from traditional models of writing (that Adrian calls essentially the ‘VCE way’), I have started to brainstorm ideas about how I can persuade my argument in a new academic mode. Although we were shown examples of text that use isolated paragraph structures to communicate meanings and ideas, i think for this essay task I shall incorporate both traditional and contemporary methods of writing.

Starting with an initial introduction and perhaps first paragraph, I aim for these two body of texts to communicate Bogost’s ideas. Elaborating on the essay statement, “Lists of objects without explication can do the philosophical work of drawing our attention toward them with greater attentiveness”, I will use essay writing’s academic format to clearly portray my thoughts and ideas regarding Object Orientated Ontology. However, for the analysis regarding the practical side of the assessment (soundscape), I am going to attempt to use dot point format to exemplify the essay statement itself.

By incorporating the two I hope to 1) show my understanding regarding the subject matter, but 2) also try something new and really push myself to understand what the statement is trying to say, and why.

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