PB4 so far has been quite a challenging task to grasp. It’s symbiosis of the topics; media, institutions, and KPOP and their demonstration within a video and audio documentary essay, proves to be quite challenging as correct structure is needed to coherently prove a point. Thus, proving an interrelation between them all. In today’s workshop (Week 10) my group and I spoke to Rachel who advised us on the direction both media’s should be heading. As ‘institutions’ is our main centerfold, we decided to feature ‘what is an institution’ mainly in the video essay, being able to use visual techniques to communicate Hodgson’s modernised theory. With K-POP’s unique stylisation and appropriation of pop-culture we have discussed incorporating dance routines and debute(s) in the video also. As the video will become more directional, we shall focus on how catalyst to the second age of technological modernity Korean Pop was able to globalise as cable TV allowed for content to be sold internationally for lower price rates. As cable made the climb from 4 channels to 400, a demand for content that was cheap and accessible appeared, allowing viewers to access entertainment that they previously could not be exposed to. Therefore, in the video essay will can demonstrate through visuals how organisations like K-POP and K-TV became institutionalised as the growing demand for national and international coverage converted a national brand into a globalised phenomenon (visuals of social media trends, and broadcasting of idols performances etc). As the industry grew, so did the rules and regulations that K-POP had to start abiding by. Projecting a modernised image of Korean culture, with K-POP making sure that the ‘idols’ they were producing were trained, worked, and ready to project an image of ‘perfection’ and ‘pure sophistication’.
However, Rachel made the point that a modernised ideas of institutions are controversial and abstract. It is for this reason we’ve decided to appoint the audio essay as a personalised opinion piece focusing through a debate structure the difficultly of defining modern day institutions and their nature. The script will be comprised of a two person discussion with a third member acting as host. The host will be situated as a ‘mediator’ adding facts and discussion points to the topic, discussed with opposition by the two ‘studio’ members.
Attached are documents Rachel wrote up with us whilst discussing our future approach.