Sony RMIT Interview

In this week’s workshop we ventured out into the land of RMIT to record and produce an interview focusing on ‘How to survive the first six weeks of university’.  One of the main problems encountered in this exercise was audio. When filming outside and around RMIT constant sound pollution made if difficult to know whether or not shot and it’s audio was successful. So we experimented with the smaller microphone that can be attached directly onto a subject to make the sound quality clearer. However, the chord length that’s physically attaches the microphone and camera was too short and  did not allow a lot of movement or diverse camera angles. When using the earphones to play back the recordings we had just made however, we realised that the sound quality was clear of the camera’s microphone was clear and did pick up the interviewer and interviewee’s discussion. Once we decided to just use the out built microphone it allowed us to manipulate shot forms and become experimental, and we decided that any unwanted sound could just be edited in Adobe Audition. One of my most successful shots I think would be the first interview ‘spoof’ sequence. I idolise director Judd Apatow and Spike Jonze due to their ability to create humour on screen that is universal and at times meta-cinematic. Although this sequence doesn’t philosophise the meaning of life – like most meta-cinematic scenes do – I tried to play with humour as much as possible as I think it’s an important characteristic to have in my practicals as it represents what I find funny and thus me. It also allowed me to manipulate tools on Premiere as I became confident with the application and my advancing skills, also which definitely developed the sophistication of my PB3 portrait.

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