The Beat I Was Born Without follows the life of Lenny, a deaf twenty something year old, who exposes the world of sound through her disabled hearing. We follow Lenny to Holland where she goes to a deaf clubbing event that utilises other senses such as smell, sight and touch to create a ‘whole’ experience of a night club. Lenny discusses her relationship with music and ‘beats, explaining her struggle to belong in a world that is conducted mostly through sounds, and how her first Ipod experience and raves like she is at now has shaped her personality.
Hokin, a sign dancer that interprets the music through dance for the deaf audience, explains how his movement is instructed by the diversity of theme and understanding. He states that people with and without hearing dance differently, using his body to exemplify the main differences. Within the community of people that can hear, Hokin uses his body in a mechanical manner that relies on the consistency of beats and timing. When showing how he dances for the deaf audience however, his movements become a lot more fluid, utlizing his hands and face to portray expressions and interpretations of what the music is communicating with him, his audience and surroundings.