Film Project 2: team up

After pitching my idea, it was time to get into a group. We’re not specifically told to do so, but we were encouraged to find someone with similar ideas or is good at certain aspects of filming and work together. At first it was chaotic….

Waiting for Godot

While I was discussing on my final film project with a few of my classmates, one of the thing we talked about was script writing. As one of my main focus will be script writing, Ben suggested I look up for Samuel Beckett’s famous play “Waiting…

Adobe Premiere: Smooth Zoom Blur Transition

This time, I decided to learn the “smooth zoom blur” effect that I often see on videos but obviously never knew how to do. The tutorial I found was again by Justin Odisho, who I’ve been referring to quite a lot. I found his tutorials…

soundscaping for film

For my film project one, Missed Moments, one of the things that I had to edit was its sound. I’ve edited quite a few types of videos before, but this is my first time to edit a film and it’s different from what I’ve been…

Film Project 1 Reflection

For Film Project 1, I’m working alongside Pavina and Lyreca. The whole process was quite long, thus I’ll be diving them into three sections. Planning: At first, it was a bit hard to decide what to do as we were just loaded with just so…

Missed Moments

Below is “Missed Moments” by me, Lyreca and Pavina. Enjoy!

Listen To Me

Listen To Me is a short film that I found on Youtube when I was looking for some inspiration for project film two. It was written and directed by Touacha Her and was released on Youtube on the 23rd February 2016 on the channel Woodstruck…

pitching film project 2

Assignment 3 is due this Friday, and yet we are already on the roll to the next one. Phew. Similar to assignment 3, assignment 4 is making another movie (yay). Of course, our first step is to pitch our idea to the class. Similar to…

the shoot

The next stage: shooting the scenes. We had our first shoot on the 29th last week for the library scene on the 2nd floor of the Redmond Barry reading room. We shot it according to our script, and all three of us took initiative in…

Crazy Rich Asian

The movie Crazy Rich Asian has taken the world by storm. Even preceding its release, the movie has been hyped so much, appearing in all sorts of form in social media, articles and news coverage. Despite that, I wasn’t actually interested in the movie. But…