In the draft cut, we know our video trying to portrait the crowded city and quiet suburb to make a big contrast to see the big difference in these two spots. However, it looks so mess that is not clearly to point out the central of the video. I was getting many shots like a wide shot tilt down to the street and focus on the people, focus on background turn to the foreground to see huge people passing on the street. If I watch back each shots, it was good. If these shots put it together to make a video, it is not good enough. Because we do not interview anyone even voice-over. The only way to express clearly our central point is using the image and frame to make the audience easily understand. Furthermore, I haven’t thinking about the sequence order. I guess this is the reason that caused this video looks so mess. In terms of some shots in suburb, I think the editing and some shots have the same problems as the city part. It is not gives audience a kind of peace because I just used a lot of drone shots with the beautiful scene. The sequence should be mixed different shot types comes to emotional transition and visual transition. In the final cut, we are concentrate on this issues to make some changes. First, we have refilm and taken some new shots in the new location. Also, we have added close-up shot and record some natural voice to make up for the lack of image. Then, we have consider the rhythm, how to pick one scene for the introduction, and how to pick the next scene to match the previous one. As this video aims to see how the city busy is, how the suburb quiet is, so it has too much wide shots. Let the audience to see the wide shot is a best way to breifly understand this video’ purpose. Using multiple shot types would make the video varied, also we have recorded the voice in that moment and mixed the video together. I think the strength of the work is the rhythm, there is no voice-over, but we use the music and voice that we recorded to enhance the central point. On the other hand, the weakness comes from the strength, we don’t have voice-over to strengthen video content.