Before we make final plans for Project Two, we need to first analyze the first one. Despite the inconsistency of the color temperature for the interior shot, we were satisfied with it. However, we have not found one single take we liked for the beach scene. To solve this problem, we color graded the beach scene for an analog film look and edited the best parts from different footages. This segmentation has created a contrast to the interior shot which could be one interesting thing about our final work for Project One.

Like: Flower as a symbol for Meursault’sremembrance of his mother. The costume. The interior location. The beachside sound effect.

Dislike: Beach scene (it will be left out in the 2nd project). Last shot (too dark). The pace of the whole project and the voiceover (make it slower). Bar shadow (it’s unclear).


After analyzing Project One, we have decided to take a brand new approach:

I thought of the new approach on my bed after watching Inland Empire in one morning. It’s quite interesting that when I watched this film by David Lynch, I was very tired. I watched the film in a weird state that for every five minutes I watched, I slept for another two minutes. It felt like that I was dreaming. I was inspired by the start of the movie where it seemed that time was prolonged—everything felt for me to be so silent and eternal. It was the feeling I wanted. Differ from the first project in which we emphasized his monologue as the statement before his execution, I want to, in the second project, emphasize the passage of time and the solitude in prison. It will be set in the same interior space as it was in the first project. There will be only three wide shots depicting her repetitive daily routines. The effect in last shot will be kept, yet we could use two lights there to make the background brighter to create a silhouette of Meursault. We must not forget to take an empty shot of the light again.

Here are the storyboards I drew for the second project:


Side note: I felt that other group members have been quite busy, so I thought of this idea in the afternoon and sent them the storyboards with my explanation as audio files. I asked about their opinions. They did not object, so I guess this is the final approach we are going to take for the next one.