In my last post on participation, I’ve set targets for the following week. I finished most of them(two chapters of Bogost, did the catchup post) except for writing the posts on Bogost reading. I’ve written two, but they are not good enough so… Here’s the new targets:

  1. More posts on Bogost (include one Questions post)
  2. Read one more chapter of Bogost (maybe)
  3. Write the essay for Noticing two

So far, I’ve been working in groups with Julia, Joss and Ben. For the soundscape, I did only one-third of the recording since my strength is in videos. My “communication” is positive. However, I’ve done no post on noticing so I should work more on that.

One thing to mention is that I’m finding writing blogs more easy now, perhaps due to really getting the point? If only I could learn all these in Mandarin. 😂

Oh, BTW, a percentage: 78%