When viewers look at the film genre, it gives them a general idea of what the film is going to be about; when filmmakers look at genre, it helps them to choose something to focus on. It is usually hard to define a film with one genre because one film can crossover different themes at the same time; while the idea of a sub-genre specifies a bit more.

Film Genres Examples: Romantic, Crime, Mystery, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Comedy, horror……

The Iranian film, A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, is not a typical vampire film but it contains iconography of films in that genre; meanwhile, it is also a romantic film and a film with distinct Iranian elements. The protagonist, the girl, is a vampire who hunts for men alone at night, but sometimes she only scares people. Saeed is the first victim in the film. The scene in which he is killed is quite thrilling with the girl showing her sharp teeth, biting off his finger, sucking blood from the man’s neck.

The romantic element in the film is the love story between Arash and the vampire girl. The scene in which the girl brings Arash to her house, facing his exposed neck, really makes me nervous; but she doesn’t kill him. They are happy together. Later in the film, Arash gives her a pair of earrings and so she, without hesitation, requests him to pierce her ears. The emotion is not vigorous, but it is there. With Arash’s good-boy personalities and the girl’s restraint, viewers grow affections towards the couple as plot develops.

The Girl With Arash

The most distinct Iranian element in the film is the music. A lot of music performance by Radio Tehran is used in the movie, an Iranian band. And the music played during the party, Hishe Ayn Ore by Bei Ru, also has a Middle Eastern rhythm.

Party Scene

Girl Dancing Scene
