Blog, blog, blog. I am actually starting a regularly-updated blog. 🙂 Before this, I used to try to keep a blog or diary, but did not manage to really keep them (I kept forgetting to write something down). Such habits are hard for me, so hopefully this blog will be fun, not like the old ones that I kept.

To start with a self-introduction, I am Jialu Cheng, Hi! Usually it’s easier to call me by Lulu, my nickname. It’s my first year undergrad in Uni, studying Media. And I’m an international student from China, so everything is strange for me. Doing my best to survive in an unfamiliar city for the past 2 weeks, I find this place awesome and really cozy. So, I shall like to spend more time exploring Melbourne in future.

I love films and I love photography. I think that I first developed my interest in photography is when I got my first camera-enabled smart phone. From then on, I just can’t stop taking photos. I also grow up watching films, so there’s no reason for me to not like them. One weird thing about me is that if I hadn’t decided to study media, I would probably end up in studying science, like, astrophysics. I’m very interested in time travel stuff, but instead of actually studying it, I finally chose the other way of time travel—movies.

About this blog, the title is “STARDUST”. That’s what I think of myself. Actually, I think everyone is somewhat a speck of stardust. We float in this strange world, bump into each other and float away. We are tiny but important. Shined as a star, we had our day, but then in the end, we are just dust. Sic transit gloria mundi (That’s the tagline, btw).Therefore, we treasure every instant of the present. (Blah, blah, blah……You wouldn’t want to read the rest of nonsense of mine.)

Back to the topic, in this blog, (apart from the blogs for class reflections)I wish to post my photos, videos or even just random ideas and hopefully I can do it. I may try to upload several photos a week. They probably will be taken by iphone, so the size will be small.

That’s it, there goes my first post. (Whew…)


near mel uni

[First photo: Melbourne]