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W9: Reflection Post

This week in class we presented out pitches to Brian and Rohan for feedback. After having a test shoot last weekend to familiarise myself with the camera and film developing process I felt as though I finally had a clearer idea of what I wanted this project to be.

I was really happy with how these photos turned out and how quickly the developer was able to get the photos back to me. Practise shoot really gave me peace of mind as this is the first time I have ever experimented with film and, as I’m sure you know, there are plenty of things that could go wrong.

Reflecting on the actual shoot, I was really impressed with my subjects eagerness to participate, this made me feel a lot more comfortable taking their photos, they genuinely seemed as excited as I was which made the shoot even more fun. I was also really happy with the lighting. Even though I, unfortunately, don’t have any lighting equipment, I couldn’t believe how well the tiny flash on the camera did, even in the pitch black and I really like the way the flash looks too.

In terms of post-production, again I was really happy as I didn’t feel the need to edit the photos at all really, the film I used captured the vibrant colours, and I love the amount of grain on the images too. In the beginning, I was a little worried about the animating process as it seemed like quite an extensive amount of work per photograph. I discovered an app that made the process so much quicker, which I again was extremely happy with.

The only negative I realised from this shoot was how often the flash failed to go off, rendering that photo practically useless. To combat this I will ensure I have an abundance of extra film rolls in case this continues to happen, and also try using other sources of light too.

The final thing I noticed was just how easy it is to slip a tip of a finger into one of the frames as there are three lenses, whilst it doesn’t always completely spoil the photo, it does take away from the incredible 3D effect, which is something I will just need to be more aware of on the day of the shoot.

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