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W11: Reflection Post

I had the shoot on the weekend, woohoo! Technically it was two shoots, I ended up shooting one couple at sunset on the Friday and the other two couples at night on Saturday. I ended up taking around 5 rolls of film which I know will be plenty, I just have a creeping suspicion that a few or many of the photos may not turn out because I’m not going to lie to you, there was alcohol involved. I know that’s not incredibly professional and in a lot of ways unwise, but I do genuinely feel it really helped everyone loosen up in front of the camera. Whilst everyone involved had agreed to everything prior to the night and was aware of everything involved I felt we were all very responsible and were able to enjoy the shoot in a more relaxed manner.

I am a little disappointed that one of the couples I was supposed to shoot fell through. Our schedules just didn’t seem to line up and it is something I wanted to be able to take my time with and not have the subjects feeling rushed or pressured, so I decided it may be for another time to shoot them. I know that three couples will be more than enough as I am only expecting to use a 60-90 second snippet from the song I chose and am therefore estimating to only need around 30 photos (10ish per couple) and I know I shot around 120ish photos on the weekend.

Overall, I’m feeling really good about how both the shoots went, particularly the sunset shoot. I’m really excited to see how the lighting turned out in that one. I wish I had some to show in this post today but I guess that’s the beauty of film photography, you just don’t know until you get them!

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