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W5: Reflection Post

During today’s class we looked into exploring lighting and how might we use it to create and capture different images. Having previously completed the Diploma of Screen and Media, I felt confident approaching todays task, little did I know just how difficult lighting can be without all the bells and whistles! Even though I didn’t have a perfect studio 3 point lighting set-up, I still had a lot of fun trying to be creative with the resources I had and felt as though I was able to achieve a lot with just a desk lamp and a bit of paper.

I really enjoyed taking a look at my classmates work from that exercise too, I was just amazed with out creative some people got and how professional some of their photographs looked, using things from around their room. It really inspired me to think more outside the box and make more use of my household items. If there’s one thing I realised in today’s class, it’s that you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on equipment to take great photos. Whilst I regularly prefer to photograph with natural lighting, this week I learned how to better light a subject to help capture its features. I found I really liked how my “butterfly” lit photos looked the best.

My favourite student work from this week would have to be Alica’s. I absolutely love the way she utilised a piece of glitter paper to help reflect light, I think it created a really beautiful image. Her photos looked really proffesional, I thought, which goes to show how much you can achieve when you really set your mind to somthing.


Photos By Alicia (16/11/2020),

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