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A4: Blog Post 2

Reflection Of Collaboration

Working collaboratively on this film with Sonja and Brooke was honestly such a joy. It was easily the best and most fair group project I’ve been lucky enough to be a part of so far. At the very beginning of the production of Outside The Box I was a little concerned about how everything would play out and how collaborative we were going to be able to be during COVID. As we decided to focus on the food bank, it was quite clear from the beginning that much, if not all, of the production work, would fall on Sonja’s shoulders, due to the restrictions we were facing at the time. Whilst this wasn’t ideal we came up with a rough plan of how we could share the load, and we all agreed that Brooke and I would try to do as much of the post-production work as we could manage. We were all very good at meeting regularly and ensuring our involvement in the project which made everything run smoothly and effortlessly.

In future projects,  I would like to improve my time management concerning my other subjects. This semester, as everything was online and at home, I felt it was quite easy to let things slip which meant at certain times in the semester my workload was perhaps more stressful than it should have been. This meant that by the time editing came around, I was a little pushed for time and Sonja was kind enough to step in and help finish the rough cut edit. In the future, I will ensure that I am on top of all of my work and ensure I can do the same for other group members should the opportunity arise. I feel I did well at always making myself available and easy to reach. I know from past group projects, the most frustrating thing is when you can’t get a hold of a teammate. As a result of this, I endeavored to ensure I was always communicating and doing my best to make this assignment as enjoyable and stressless as possible for everyone involved. Overall, I am really happy and proud of how Brooke, Sonja, and I worked together on our documentary Outside The Box. Our constant flow of communication made this documentary such a pleasure to be a part of.


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