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A3: Work To Be Undertaken

          TO DO LIST

  1. Add b-roll to cuts of Maria’s zoom video
  2. Ensure all cuts are smooth and timed well
  3. Replace boot b-roll with other shots (more car mirror and location shots)
  4. Ensure all cutaways are relevant and intentional 
  5. Refine the text (review font, timing, transitions)
  6. Smooth over sound transitions from clip to clip
  7. Add sound effects where needed
  8. Colour grading (create more consistent and warmer colour palette)
  9. Use slow-mo/warp stabiliser on shaky footage
  10. Consider the use of cinema bars
  11. Add soft/basic soundtrack to create a smoother transition between diegetic sounds
  12. Add rolling credits at the end
  13. Find an impactful end shot (Maybe candid shot of Maria?)


  1. Remove shot of sign ‘about others’
  2. Add Maria’s name to candid, shaky shot
  3. Write transcript from 3:15 and suss out what has been repeated and what needs to be removed
  4. Shorten the third act and bring it to the end so the three acts are evenly spaced out with more breathing room
  5. Focus on/add more shots framed within van looking out to volunteers
  6. Move produce sequence to a more relevant time
  7. Lengthen the rain sequence and move it to a moment of breath before COVID is introduced
  8. Lengthen spring sequence and add it to a moment of breath before message of hope
  9. Add more shots of powerlines at the west campus (put them before establishing wide shot of woman waking)
  10. Use more shots of Maria



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