Seminar Prep – week 4

It’s been pretty chaotic trying to organize such a large group of people with different viewpoints and different understandings of what’s important and what should get done.

I’ve tried a few different ways to get people involved and on top of the project tasks. I attempted to get everyone to use the organizational app trello (pictured below) – but no-one seemed very keen. As we only have 2 weeks till our event I figured it was best to just email/text/call people regarding their responsibilities. It’s a bit more time consuming for me but people generally find it more personable and it gets good responses so it’ll work for now.
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This week I instead moved our task list and items to a google doc. I ran the meeting – making sure all items were covered and assigned to group members. I’ve taken the list that was distributed in class in week 3 and some overarching responsibilities and assigned them to individuals and groups (group tasks have one person responsible as the contact point for each task or sub group).

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There was a small disruption regarding the input of all group members on all items so I made it clear that we would work on our tasks and focus on getting them done and hoping that everyone else will do as good of a job as we would.
I think this solved the problem sufficiently.

So, overall, we’re pretty much on track and things are delegated to everyone with information and tasks available to everyone where necessary.
I think it’s coming along well.
Well, I’m just happy if it gets done as there are just too many people to work with.

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