Week Three Reflection

This week I decided to start brain storming on my own so that I could develop a concept for the direction of final documentary for the semester. I begun by looking back to all the previous documentaries that I have watched to find some inspiration.

I remembered watching Grizzly Man in media one, and I really enjoyed how the interviews were conducted and shot and edited with old footage of Timothy Treadwell. In terms of finding a subject, I wanted to find an interesting subject who has a story.


In a few weeks’ time I shall be filming a hype video for a friend. The hype video was to build and draw attention to a bigger fan base for him. This friend is named Ethan, who left his home town in New Zealand to purse professional basketball in America but suddenly dropped his ball career to become a professional wrestler (the WWE type).


I felt that Ethan had a good story to tell as he has experienced a lot of challenges for the decisions that he has made. Having dropped a promising career in basketball for something so risky was a big move. His move from basketball to wrestling has also had impact on his relationship with his parents and this is something that plenty of people, including myself, face in deciding their own future. This kind of choice has a big impact on a lot of parents as they were raised very differently in comparison today.

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