Artist Statement for Study 7

ARTIST STATEMENT STUDY 7: The First Revision of “The Annoying Game”

I have decided to revise my major project, which is titled as “The Annoying Game”. The game was inspired by mini puzzles that we used to play as a child; more specifically the game with scrambled tiles in a small grid. However, given the limitations of my knowledge and time, I created something that was more annoying to play and time consuming to solve; hence the conception of game’s name. In this revision, I tidied up the game’s presentation and mechanics as well as another annoying parameter to the game. If you’re feeling frustrated by the stupidity of the game, hold it in. If you dare to make a loud sound, it will rearrange itself again.

The game attempts to punish the impatient and tries to be annoying as possible to ensure the longevity of the interaction. Essentially what I made was unnecessarily long and arduous in order to achieve to 6-7-minute time frame so that it, hopefully, qualifies for the demands of the assignment. I hope that in playing this game you become frustrated and annoyed at how ridiculous this game is and leave with bitter and resentment by the end of it all. The game is not perfect, which is not the point of it. The point is for it to be annoying; just like that little sibling that gets away with everything no matter how ridiculous it may be.