On Friday I had the opportunity of presenting the work I have done so far on my documentary. The days leading up to the presentation, I was only able to record interview footage and edit it the day after. Essentially what I presented in class was an edited roll of the interview footage where I attempted to clean up the audio, cut parts that I felt unnecessary and put some non-copyrighted music over it. What I wanted to achieve out of the presentation was constructive feedback on the story of the documentary in regards to flow, clarity and content. Technical feedback was also welcome and suggestions for b-roll footage. Overall the video was about seven minutes long.
After presenting the video I was given plenty of good feedback so that I could use for my final product.
The comments were:
- Reshoot the interview with better audio and nicer location
- Dwell into more personal questions so that the audience can be more intimate with the subject (Talk about Ethan’s relationship with his mother and brother)
- Less promo type responses in relation to Ethan’s wrestling and basketball career
- Record B-Roll of wrestling training, old basketball matches, family etc.
- Use less music (too distracting)
- Do cut out moments of silence where Ethan physically shows impactful emotions (this will aid the narrative)
- Keep the video less than five minutes
After hearing these comments I now had a better idea of what I needed to do next to improve the quality of the video. Audio was subpar and definitely needed to be worked on.