This week was a tough one for our group. Unfortunately one member had to leave for some unknown reason. Now there is only two. To be honest , the situation did not felt so dire as we thought we would be, because the work needed to be done regardless. Moving on from the unfortunate circumstance, my group partner and I knuckled down an devised a plan. We were going to meet up on the weekend to make time for brain storming. At this point we were still unsure of what theme we wanted to do and how to approach it.
At this point we had to think of something. We need a topic that is related to ‘attention’ and that it would form some kind of argument so that we can give our talk a direction and a side. Through conversations on our chat group, we were pretty set on the effects of music on the brain, as my group partner mentioned the idea of entrainment.
With not much long to go, we decided to research on this topic as much as we could and meet up again to discuss our ideas on our topic and forma and argument.