Week 7 Main Initiative: Getting started on PB3

Being the typical student I am, the weeks of procrastination has finally caught up to me. It is time to start planning out my interview and put all of my new found knowledge to good use from previous classes. I chose from fellow class mate Tristan Winter because I felt like he had plenty to say, he was easily accessible and we get along very well (call it fate if you will). The problem was what would I like him to say in such a short amount of time.

Since semester one I have gotten to know a fair bit about Tristan. Some of the most interesting aspects in his life is his experience in the film industry. He was an actor that went into story writing and found himself stumbling into media studies. In this transition he would have faced many challenges. I felt that this eventful experience in his life would be an interesting story to tell in the interview.

After brainstorming a little bit, I came up with a few basic questions:

  • Who are you?
  • What do you do?
  • How was acting?
  • What did you like about story writing?
  • etc.

At first I thought these questions were pretty basic and were pretty much a template of the Five W’s. However I was confident enough that Tristan was able to tell a story without much effort since he was such an expressive individual. So I planned to approach the interview very casually and ask questions on the top of my head and let the flow of the conversation guide me in the right direction. When I am happy with the final uncut version of the interview shot, I will edit and shoot B-Roll based on what I observe in the interview shot.

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