Week 7 Extra Initiative: Drone Sizzle Reel

Outside of RMIT, I am an intern at Flying Art Films. FAF is a start up company that produces content for other creative who are also at the start of their career, such as musicians and dancers. During the week I was given the task of compiling drone footage and making a sizzle reel to show our audience that we were capable of achieving drone shots for potential clients. During the whole editing process I ended up with my own first draft of the reel. I presented this reel to my boss and, I had to admit, it was hard taking in some of the criticism. He did not appreciate how the shots were sequenced.

Honestly, the criticisms made were quite harsh but very true in the end. At the same time this content was made for the company and not for myself. Hearing the feedback was a true testament to my maturity and professionalism, and I had to understand that I cannot have everything my way. Taking in the feedback I re-edited my first draft and had my boss re-evaluate it. He was quite impressed and I could see how much better it was compared to the first. It always pays off to have a multiple eyes to look at your work and present feed back.

link: www.facebook.com/flyingartfilms/videos/1247480972017255/


Furthermore, I decided to up my editing game and incorporate Adobe After Effects. I felt like if I wanted to present to people as a content creator, my skills had to be up there as well. If you observe in the video, I used After effects to track the FAF title with the first shot. My friend taught me how to track titles to give off a 3-D effect and I will definitely incorporate this knowledge in future videos.

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