Week 6 Workshop: Making the Shot

During the start of the semester, there was a lack of practical work with cameras. Today, in this workshop, that has all changed. We split into our groups, rented some Sony MC50’s and started on our project for the day – A Misunderstanding. The task required us to present a case of misunderstanding and had to be done in one long shot. Our group, funnily enough, had plenty of misunderstandings as we were all trying to pitch in our ideas and make sense of the topic.

Prior to the groupings, Jeremy, our tutor, had told us to just stick to one idea. When we were discussing our ideas in the group, I fully understood why Jeremy would tell us that. Everyone is going to have their own unique ideas, this would ultimately result in conflict where everyone would be focused on their own versions of a misunderstanding and no works gets done. Since the time was ticking, we decided to go with my idea as I Had already planned out in my head how the story would pan out. This was not to say that the others had terrible ideas, it was just that we were limited for time and we had to start recording as soon as possible. I had my idea already planned out, so it made sense to go with it. Since it was my idea I had direct everyone and record at the same time.

Directing and recording was a difficult task, but fun at the same time. As I was explaining the narrative, everyone started adapting to the story to make more sense of it. I was welcoming to changes to the story as this was a group project at the end of the say. One of the girls, Joanna, helped out a lot in adjusting the dialogue in the scene to give the story more clarity.

Making a collaborative video with a group of people, really opened up to the challenges people would usually face in this field of media. From this learning experience, I found that patience and leadership are important in putting group in the right direction so that the objective would be completed.

This was our work by the end of the day:

link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY0KDWXvf8s


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