Week 4 lectorial: Passion…fruit?

During this week’s lecture we watched a video of Cal Newport’s talk on passion, which extends from the week’s reading “The clarity of the craftsmen”, which is written by the Ted Talk’s presenter. Personally I found this to be a very interesting subject. His account’s on peoples pursuit for success within their “passions”, was very reflective on my life. Newport suggests that passions are something that is developed over time through hard work and success, not given.

When I was studying to be a personal trainer, I started with the idea that I was passionate about fitness. However as I got deeper into the field I figured that the world catered to fitness was something I was not so passionate to train others anymore. In contrast, when my brother bought a camera few years back, I started experimented taking photos. I never identified myself as a passionate photographer, I just wanted to try it out. I never forced myself to do it but I enjoyed doing it because I was willing to learn and improve upon this skill. Over time photography developed in making videos. After getting a job in a studio these skills were needed and had to be improve. I cultivated my photography and videography in a fun and positive environment. I then realised, this was a passion I just ‘stumbled upon’ as Newport mentions in his presentation about Steve Jobs.

I found Newport’s article to have a lot of truth. However there are always exceptions and there is plenty of evidence out there that suggests that passions can be a start to something, and in many ways can help us funnel into the direction of success.

Newport does mention, which I find very relatable, a lot of downfalls to follow blindly into your passions. The one that made a big impression was the fact that little slips a long the way to achieving success could lead to bigger doubts on the legitimacy of your love for the passion.

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