In this week’s workshop we had a discussion on the reading about media in the real world. This reading had multiple implications that related to the collaboration of content creators to the downfalls in the modern media. Media is so easily accessible, which is great for emerging content creators. However, where there is a massive population of content thieves, a lot of this original work becomes a big loss for creatives in terms of finance. This idea is explored in fourth implication in the week’s reading.
Media today is evolving so rapidly. As the media platforms improve drastically, so does the war on piracy on the creator’s end. Creators are finding new ways to make their media more accessible and affordable, without compromising the quality of their work too much. Popular You Tubers have ad revenue and other means to finance their work. Similarly, You Tube has introduced a subscription system, just like Net Flix, for more premium content. Using this subscription system, paying just over ten dollars a month, it gives the audience a peace of mind of price and accessibility to good content. All of a sudden the masses can pay and enjoy media on their laptop to their phone for a small price. No one wakes up wanting to steal from the hard work of creators, it is just for many of us we cannot afford it and then resort to other illegal means.

“Single by 30” by WongFu Productions This picture was an advertisement for WongFu’s first series on the new paid subscription sector “YouTubeRed”
Later on in the workshop we put on our thinking hats and critiqued our self-portrait work. I hear a lot of positive comments, but I was looking out for negative comments. If I can eliminate as many problems in my work as much as possible, it can only get better.