The Story Lab – Week 9

Following the project pitch, our group used the feedback we received from the panel and applied it to our project. The feedback was very useful as it gave us perspective on how to properly approach creating a manageable transmedia story using the four weeks we have left and the four people in our group.

The first major point from the pitch was that we were advised to create multiple other fictional, modern characters or use ringers to stoke the flames of audience connection and curiosity. A second point was to focus on the bridge between 1901 and 2016. There is a 115 year time gap and many things could happen during this time. This could be another party who had previously researched The Right Hand Man during the interim which could lead to existing research for Atticus and the real world players to find.

Taking this , we have created another fictional character known as Elizabeth Oshiro who was investigating the same case in the 1980’s. A student who also happened to stumble upon the case and it enthralled her and so she devoted a portion of her life to finding out who The Right Hand Man was. She will be the catalyst to help Atticus and the payers uncover more information, an enigma who discovered knowledge that got her nowhere and no she is helping this investigation. She will also be the fictional creator of the dead drop, she will want to send out information to help uncover the mystery but will want her identity to remain a secret, thus a secret anonymous drop will be how she delivers it to the players.

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