OTF Reflection 8

20150908_165625This is the area I will use for the first video of the first series for Project Brief 4. It not a busy area and is walled on both sides by fences which makes it feel more contained. The path runs through the frame and the camera will follow the path as it explores the area, creating a constant element in a frame that is constantly changing perspective. I was originally going to set up two cameras, one in the position shown above and like the photo shown below.20150908_165555I would have cut between the two in an attempt to muddy the composition of the shot and blur the lines between the background and foreground of the frame. I decided against this as it would be too disorientating for the viewer and would not explore subjectivity the way I want to. Instead, the camera will move through the frame, focusing on various people throughout the run time for different intervals. The aim is to discover if an viewer can impart their subjectivity on more than one figure or action in a frame. Instead of being presented with a protagonist and having the background of the shot be nothing more than cinematic world building, the background figures would have their own story just like real life. Everyone in the frame would be the protagonist, pushing the previous focal points into the background and injecting a sense if humanity and knowledge into the whole of the frame.


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